The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Divisions Among Theosophists - New Publications

Effect on Theosophists of Coulomb - S.P.R. "exposure" - Olcott goes to Burmah - H.P.B. desperately ill - attempt to unseat Olcott, who returns to Adyar - H.P.B. supports him - but tells him in deserting her the Theosophists have deserted the Masters - H.P.B. resigns and leaves India for Europe - Damodar leaves Adyar and goes to the Masters - the Society in India languishes and falls into public contempt - H.P.B. finds friends and supporters in Europe - Olcott and Indians find they cannot continue without H.P.B. - Convention at close of 1885 invites her to resume her office of Corresponding Secretary - refuses resignation of Olcott who is ready to retire as President - temporary restoration of harmony among Theosophists - H.P.B. in Europe, first in Italy, then Germany, then Belgium - her sickness, poverty, courage, good temper and unremitting exertions - visited by many noted Theosophists - her physical condition desperate for two years - carried to London by Countess Wachtmeister and the Keightleys in summer of 1887 - her presence a great stimulus to Theosophy in England - new publications, the Sphynx, the Lotus and Lucifer - the "Blavatsky Lodge" formed at London - Sinnett publishes "Incidents in the Life of H.P. Blavatsky" as an offset to S.P.R. Report - new books - "Light on the Path" - "Five Years of Theosophy" - "Man: Fragments of Forgotten History" - revival of Theosophical spirit and work - in Asia - in Europe - in America - Judge the heart of the Movement in America - rebuilds the Society - Judge begins The Path in 1888 - secures the establishment of the American "Board of Control" by Olcott - new Branches and Lodges in the United States - Judge forms the "American Section of the T.S." - first really democratic organization in the Society - Judge becomes its General Secretary - the work now in three streams - Judge in America - H.P.B. in Europe - Olcott in India - all in outward concord.



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